

2semesters 150entradas 150posts 2semestres
MONOSPACE university extension proposal . Bremen


The demands of an academic interchange center allow a separation in 1. Constant and functional specific uses (sleeping, office etc) and 2. A spatially changeable solution to be home of temporary or open programs (workshops, exhibition, music, etc).

This is answered by the typology of the monospace, which is interpreted as an essentially open landscape - a suitable first mileu for the changing demands of the interdisciplinary space.
To keep the monospace flexible and devoid of precise programming, it has to break clear of spatial and functional necessities. As a solution, a layer of serving rooms is situated above the monospace. Simple rectangular forms are floating as a second level over the monospace and creating patios in their relative rotation. The result is a mutual duality on the top and the bottom levels, different intensities of versatility and determination, publicity and intimacy.
With the typology of the monospace comes a unique user perception. First of all the building has a strong non-hierarchical, but horizontal orientation, its openness is not producing any kind of predictable major paths. These would always change with the different spatial configurations as shown in different scenarios of accumulation or dispersion. Whereas the monospace is a room of movement and flow, the above compartments are places of intended destination, sheltering and of comtemplation. Users perspectives are generated by users themselves as they are in charge of localization and configuration. The monospace (being per definition without programming) is a place of bottom-up developments where different actors are forced to communicate and interact.

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