
Mario García Torres

Monochronic Film on a Polychronic film . 2007

+ Mario García Torres . Jan Mot

'The man who never forgets dates in film' is the only person I know who can remember all dates in films he has seen.
Mario Garcia Torres used him as a starting point for his work Monochronic Film on a Polychronic Story, which are dates scrolling on a black image, as if On Kawara had joined all his Date Paintings. This cinematographic chronology proposes a real or fictitious story, depending on your side, which started on December 5th 1971, when Amadeus Mozart died and will end on December 14th 2016, the end of the world according to a psychic featured in the film Ghostbusters 2.
Kadist Art Foundation

Mario García Torres (Monclova, México, 1975) es un artista mexicano residente en Los Ángeles interesado en revisitar la historia del arte conceptual.
Fundació Joan Miró

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