
La Ville Rayée

Galleria Continua_Le Moulin . Boissy-Le-Châtel

La Ville Rayée . photos: © Devin Blair . © Stéphane Ruchaud . © Yann Stofer . + Galleria Continua_Le Moulin

This former paper mill currently converted into a 27 000m2 art centre by Galleria Continua in the Parisian countryside. Its architectural qualities arise from the original mix of buildings representing different times and typologies. It is this mix that gives the site its unique identity, and the architectural project aims to maintain this dynamic nature. New architectural objets flirt with existing features to give them a new lease of life.

master plan by Camille Fréchou & Damien Roger, landscape.

The rehabilitation of “bâtiment 5” is an extension of the architectural charter already in place to convert this former paper mill into an art center. Covering an area of 6 000 m2, “bâtiment 5” is a collection of capable spaces with complementary typologies. The renovation protocol aims to make the potential use explicit by creating vertical circulations opening the building onto the garden. “Bâtiment 5” becomes an open and intelligent container which provides flexibility and contributes to the continuous renewal of projects initiated by Galleria Continua . The Great Hall, which is the size of a paper machine, becomes a monumental exhibition space, with an interior garden echoing the seasons of the river nearby. The renewed architecture of this site symbolizes the encounter of past industrial logic and current artistic typologies, structural imperatives and economic conditions of its emergence . From the industry to cultural industries.

Galleria Continua_Le Moulin
Architectes : David Apheceix, Benjamin Lafore, Sébastien Martinez Barat (La Ville Rayée)
Client : Galleria Continua
Location : Boissy-Le-Châtel, Seine et Marne, France
Program : Art Gallery (Bâtiment 3, Bâtiment 5)
Date : 2010-2015
Landscape : Camille Fréchou, Damien Roger
Building Engineer : Gerard Azoulay
Economist : Ecotech, Christian Arnon
Collaborator : Clément Talbot
Photo : Devin Blair, Stéphane Ruchaud

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