
Maria Lassnig

Du oder Ich (You or Me) . 2005

+ Fundació Antoni Tàpies

Lassnig’s main preoccupation was a relentless selfquestioning, she painted, wrote, drew and filmed... She sees through her body. Untiringly, she repeatedly posed the same questions and depicted the tensions between the inside (of her body, her work) and the outside (what she saw, the way she was seen). She saw herself situated within ‘the eternal antagonism of my works of bodily sensation: between the sensations of pressure, heat and tension and those deriving from the optical phenomena observed between the eyelids’, but ‘in general I utilise them simultaneously’... The drawing,’ she wrote, is what gets ‘closest to an idea,’ to the capture of the potential of a moment.
Fundació Antoni Tàpies

Zärtlichkeit . 2006

Dreifaches Selbstporträt . 1972

Eiserne Jungfrau und fleischige Jungfrau . 2004

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