
PKMN architectures

ROJO PAQUIMÉ . Prototype workshop to fit out the archaeological area of Paquimé . Chihuahua

PKMN architectures . ISAD . + archilovers

Contrary to a popular belief that has longed for centuries, the Greek Parthenon wasn’t originally white; anyhow this image of purity was taken as an iconic source during the Renaissance rebirth of classicist architecture and further neoclassical revivals that have (unfortunately) survived to the present day. Many centuries later we learned that this iconic building (a symbol of colourless architecture) was originally strongly polychromed. In the same way the inhabitants of Paquimé used to paint their craftwork in red and black and, who knows! maybe their cities as well…

“In general terms Paquimé pottery from the Old Period is not quite assorted in formal variety (pots, jugs and bowls), it is domestically produced and it is painted in red using certain kind of textures and materials in order to decorate its surface”

“According to Max Lüscher red is the colour to express vital strength. Red is a color that raises the pulse, blood pressure and respiratory frequency… Red is the impulse needed to cause effects, to achieve success and to covet longingly for what the abundance and intensity of experiences may provide”
Max Lüscher: „The Lüscher Colour Test", Remarkable Test That Reveals Your Personality Through Color, Pan Books, 1972

One of the aims of this workshop [ROJO PAQUIMÉ] is to experiment with the impact of red colour on an historical landscape. In comparison to imitative and permanent techniques, we use chromatic contrast, material recycling and use planning as an alternative toolkit to perform in patrimonial areas.

The intervention considers two scales: it is a huge sign (3 meters tall and 24 meters long) that provides the delocalized entrance to the archaeological site with representativeness, and it is also a collection of characters that can be individually pieced to kit out the place with new uses: P can be transformed into stilts to be used as mobile viewpoints, A is a cart to sort out the problem of accessibility to persons with restricted mobility, Q can be transformed into an artificial tree to shade a small area, U is a pair of observation towers that offer different views over the site, I is a backpack prototype that can be used as portable shadow, M is an universal Do It Yourself system for urban fitment construction and E is a portable museum with information of the archaeological site.

All the used materials are low cost or/and recycled. The efimeral installation was self-built and self-funded by the students from ISAD [Instituto Superior de Arquitectura y Diseño de Chihuahua / México]

Basic metallic profile and hardware
Pine Strip
Red vinilyc paint

2 bicycle wheels reinforced
1 Bicycle
Plastic fabric
Curtain rail
Basic metallic profile and hardware
Plastic boxes of fruits
Red vinilyc paint

PVC pipes
Basic metallic profile and hardware
Red vinilyc paint

Basic metallic profile and hardware
Cotton fabric
Anti-skid aluminium plate
Red vinilyc paint

Wood structure with metallic mesh
Basic metallic hardware
PVC pipes
Foam rubber
Plastic fabric
Automatic fan
Red vinilyc paint

Wood pallets
Basic metallic profile and hardware
Curtain cord
Red vinilyc paint

Plastic boxes of fruits
PVC pipes
Basic metallic profile and hardware
“Viewer toy “
3D glasses

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