Melendo Parrón arquitectos

Europan 11 . Würzburg

Europan Alemania . + fundación arquia . autores: Francisco Parrón Ortiz . Domingo Melendo Arancón . colaborador: Fernando López Barrientos

The construction of a natural landscape and the insertion of another one in turn is proposed (a long green strip populated of housing and equipment) that contorts itself inside the site and is interwoven with the continuous mass of trees. The project bases the construction of this landscape on a system of withdrawal, storage and recycling of the water that allows its maintenance and in addition generates spaces with ideal conditions of dampness of freshness. From a global strategy of the management of the water by means of the use of the natural local resources and a suitable selection of the open spaces, it will appear a palette of materials for the base fabric generating a new landscape. Inside, the introduction of the strip of houses allows the creation of a public space halfway between a living forest and artificial urban fabric. Intestitial spaces that lie between and under the strip thus become an intense part of the project.

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