Mireia c. Saladrigues

El poder de la convocatòria . 2008

+ Mireia c. Saladrigues

El Poder de la Convocatòria (‘The Power of the Open Call’) looks at how an artistic project seeks to involve those who are on the receiving end of the work. It also studies the reasons why people do, or do not, take part in the dynamics of interaction.

To carry out this research, the letters making up the sentence “AQUESTA HA ESTAT LA CAPACITAT DE CONVOCATÒRIA DEL PROJECTE QUE ESTÀS VEIENT” (WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING AT IS THE POTENTIAL OF THE OPEN CALL FOR THE PROJECT) were cut out of bread. It was important that the material should be commonly available, and not durable. Each letter was then sent to a person chosen at random from the phone book, asking the recipient to bring the letter to the EspaiDos exhibition space at the Sala Muncunill in Terrassa so that the sentence could be reconstructed. A dozen of the sixty-four letters sent out were returned.

The main goal of the project was to interview the twenty-five people who finally came along to the exhibition hall with their letter as well as the twenty-seven who did not. The interviews were used to compile people’s opinions, find out what they do in their free time, and gather other personal information.

A publication contains the conversations that we had, along with some conceptual maps that demonstrate the public’s response.

Terrassa, January 8th, 2008
Dear XXX,

You have been chosen at random1 to take part in El poder de la convocatòria (“The power of the open call”), a project by the artist Mireia C. Saladrigues.

This proposal consists of completing a sentence with 64 letters made of bread that were sent to 64 citizens. Your letter X is enclosed in this envelope.
The sentence will only be comprehensible when we join all or most of the letters. So, that’s why your participation is very important. On the 26th and 27th of January, we ask you to deposit your letter in a structure that has been installed specifically for this occasion at the Sala Muncunill between 11:30am – 2:00pm and 5pm – 9pm.

We will be very happy if you chose to participate. But in case you are unable to attend, we would be very pleased if you’d give this package to someone else
who could come to deposit your letter.

We will be at the Sala Muncunill to assist you. We will also have a bit to eat for the occasion.
In case of any doubt, you can contact us at 629 984 824.

Mireia C. Saladrigues

1 Your personal data have has been extracted from theTerrassa telephone book.

All 64 packets were registered with notice of receipt.

12 were returened to sender.

From 52 people, 25 came to deposit their letter

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