Rural Studio

Lions Park Playscape . Greensboro

Rural Studio

Lions Park Playscape is the fifth phase of Rural Studio's involvement in the 40-acre, Greensboro Park.

Phase Five's project scope is to design and build a playground, as well as to add a 1/2 mile of walking trail to the pre-exisitng 1/2 mile circuit.
In determining how to approach the playground, the term Playscape evolved. Playscape can be defined as being an environment that is just as enjoyable for adults as it is for kids. It's a place where the landscape and built environment come together into one fabric; it's a place that promotes imagination and creativity, promoting both the mental and physical development of children.
The Design of the Playscape, is an interpretation of a labyrinth, which respects its natural surroundings while promoting the existing language of the park. a single path is dissected by a series of interactive walls, barrels, and other barriers, providing a variety of exploratory experiences. Undulating ground surfaces, seating edges, and the use of sound tubes are distributed throughout to heighten discovery and parent-child interaction.

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