Los habitantes de la casa son una pareja joven que eligieron el lugar por las magníficas vistas sobre la ciudad y la singularidad de un terreno situado en un barranco de fuerte desnivel.

Anna Maria Guasch

La belleza entre lo político, lo ético y lo cultural. EL RETORNO DE LA BELLEZA según Arthur C. Danto

Por el contrario, Danto llegó a la conclusión de que las obras no eran “artísticamente excelentes” porque fueran bellas sino porque “ser bello” era artísticamente “correcto”.

Matèria . Revista d´Art. nºs 6-7 ( Iconografías 2006-2007). Universidad de Barcelona. 2008, pp.327-344.

texto completo . origen: Anna Maria Guasch


NOV . rodinný dom . Bratislava

more: gutgut

Pozemok sa nachádza na východnom svahu. Z južnej strany je zatienený susedným domom. Polohu navrhovaného objektu sme určili paradoxne práve v zatienenej časti záhrady z viacerých dôvodov.

Bill Woodrow


more: Bill Woodrow

Herzog & de Meuron

BBVA headquarters . Madrid

. BBVA . dezeen

BBVA’s new headquarters is located on the northern periphery of Madrid. The site faces the highway and is surrounded by newly built offices, commercial buildings, and residential developments. It is a “site without qualities”, a site that is nowhere and everywhere at the same time, a desert-like non-place.

Department of Unusual Certainties

Help Kickstart a DoUC Project

more: Department of Unusual Certainties

Eva Niño Mendizábal

Concurso IMOV

origen: arquideas

Marcelo Spina . P-A-T-T-E-R-N-S

The Architectural League of New York . Emerging Voices 2011

P-A-T-T-E-R-N-S . more: The Architectural League of New York

Cláudio Vilarinho

House 1 . Reguengos de Monsaraz

source: Cláudio Vilarinho



origen: gracias a dosmasunoarquitectos (Ignacio Borrego . Néstor Montenegro . Lina Toro) . colaboradores: Marie Persson . Carlos Ramos

Ante el reto arquitectónico de construir un invernadero, que aloje la reproducción de un Bosque Carbonífero a partir de especies naturales importadas y artificiales recreadas, la repuesta debe ser de máxima sencillez en la toma de decisiones, sin perder la representatividad que de un edificio público destinado a Museo se espera.

Nieto y Sobejano Arquitectos

Museo San Telmo

Museo San Telmo . más: ELCULTURAL


never understood autocad

source: B1SH4R


Villa quarter . Andermatt

source: group8

Lacaton Vassal

23 dwellings . Trignac

more: Lacaton Vassal . photos: Philippe Ruault . Lacaton Vassal

Le projet concerne 23 habitations en HLM locatif réparties en deux bâtiments
Notre objectif est de produire des logements de qualité, qui soient, à coût égal, largement plus grands que les habitations habituelles issues des normes.

Roldán + Berengué

Torre Plaça Europa . Barcelona

Roldán + Berengué . foto: Jordi Surroca . más: archdaily

Yu . Juricevich . Wu . Tang

Upto35 International Student Housing Competition . Athens

source: courtesy of  Andy Yu . Team Credit: Andy You . James Juricevich . Michael Wu . Wilson Tang

The international competition calls for the design of a student housing of 18 units in the centre of Athens, with the possibility that an architecture model may become viral and spread to adjacent plots.


call for projects

more: eme3


Book presentation: Landform Building

more: biarch


residential buildings . Laröd

source: onix

How to build a residential area in a green landscape and keep its openness?

Bill Woodrow


more: Bill Woodrow

Ana Amo Ardura

Centro de Artes Escénicas y Teatro en las canteras . Pedreres de S´Hostal

más: eps


Moble habitable

Coll-Leclerc . más: Quaderns

Studio Banana TV

interviews Japanese architect Yoshiharu Tsukamoto of Atelier Bow-Wow

source: Studio Banana TV

3+1 Architects

Villa V . Tallinn

source: 3+1 Architects . more: archdaily

Che-Wei Wang Architecture

Residential Apartment . Yokohama

source: Che-Wei Wang Architecture . more: architizer

David Chipperfield Architects

Turner Contemporary Gallery . Margate

source: David Chipperfield Architects . Turner Contemporary .photos: courtesy of Greg Bottle . Simon Moores - Zentelligence (Airads) . more

Su-Mei Tse

The Desert Sweepers

source: centriuman


DRZ . Falkonergården Highschool . FrederiksbeRG

source: mbp-architectes


international competition

more: future arquitecturas

Brijuni Arquitectos

Estudio en Malasaña . Madrid

Brijuni Arquitectos . foto: Miguel de Guzmán . más: plataforma arquitectura

Solid Objectives – Idenburg Liu (SO – IL)

Costa House . Lexington

source: SO – IL

This expansion of an important historical Kentucky home responds to the beautiful natural setting in which the house is located. Instead of a typical transparent garden room, we propose a facade that reflects and filters the surroundings to create an enveloping magical atmosphere. The kitchen counter, cooking island and floor are all poured-in-place concrete. The roof is made of fiber reinforced plastic, eliminating the need for structure.


Guardería . Velez-Rubio

origen: LosdelDesierto . foto: David Frutos . más: archdaily

Estudio Barozzi Veiga

Auditorio . Águilas

más: Estudio Barozzi Veiga . calabardina

LAN Architecture

Centre des archives EDF . Bure . Conférence du 24 mars 2011

source: Pavillon Arsenal 2011

JLCG Arquitectos


origen: gracias a JLCG Arquitectos

La propuesta se concibe como la nueva puerta verde de acceso al complejo monumental.

this is tomorrow

international competition

more: fundación fisac

Sou Fujimoto Architects

Crossing: Dialogues for Emergency Architecture

source: namoc . movingcities

In order to commemorate the first anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake, the National Art Museum of China hosted an exhibition entitled “Crossing: Dialogues for Emergency Architecture”

Su-Mei Tse

La Marionnette

source: elisabethitti . more: Espai 13 . 1 . 2


Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau

more: WWAA

Working on the conception of this project we established, at the very beginning, to focus on designing and directing a certain dramaturgy of the visitors' route rather than on coping with the physical matter of the task.

Koebberling . Kaltwasser

The Jellyfish Theatre . London

source: Koebberling . Kaltwasser . more: oikos project . photos: courtesy of Astrid Kogler

The Jellyfish Theatre, London’s first fully-functioning theatre made entirely from recycled and reclaimed materials. Focussing on energy-efficiency, co-operation and human-scale construction, The Jellyfish Theatre was showcased as part of the London Festival of Architecture.


Pezo von Ellrichshausen's exhibition

more: LIGA

Bak Gordon arquitectos


source: Bak Gordon arquitectos 

Fundar un lugar es una especie de acto primitivo siempre contemporáneo. Establecer nuevas relaciones con un determinado lugar, desencadenar energías que activen las semillas dispersas. El acto de fundación también es superposición. Densificación consecuente de un palimpsesto urbano, que debe expresar con claridad los objetivos del nuevo tiempo, permaneciendo accesibles los diferentes tiempos y lugares.


Balmond talks to Joseph Grima

more: Domus



source: nOffice

The scheme in front of you presents nOffice’s strategy for a differentiated Kunsthalle, which provides a set of distinct spatial experiences. Our design follows a trouble-free and intruiging ambition: to make space for art rather than simply providing it,
and to create a new (temporary) icon for Berlin.

KARO* architekten

Quartier Karnipp/ Rohrstraße . Stendal

source: KARO* architekten

Unweit des Stendaler Mark­tes und in direkter Nach­bar­schaft zum Winckel­mann-Mu­seum be­fin­det sich das brach lie­gen­de Quar­tier Karnipp/ Rohr­straße, wel­ches mit­hilfe neuer inno­va­tiv­er Mehr­genera­tion­en-Wohn-Konz­epte reakti­viert wer­den soll. Kern des vor­ge­schla­gen­en Ent­wurf­es ist ein flexi­bles städte­bau­lich­es Mo­dul, wel­ches das Po­ten­zial hat, Stadt­raum zu bil­den, Ge­mein­schaft zu stif­ten und außer­dem wirt­schaft­lich sinn­voll rea­lisier­bar zu sein.

EQUIP Xavier Claramunt

Hotel Arc del Teatre . Barcelona

origen: EQUIP Xavier Claramunt . foto: Adrià Goula . más: baunetz

Akitoshi Ukai/AUAU

Wear House . Seto

source: Akitoshi Ukai/AUAU . more: archdaily . photos: Yoshimura Masaya

Su-Mei Tse

Graux & Baeyens architecten

woning P-M . Maarkedal


Ilídio Ramos

cultural center . Ílhavo

source:  Ilídio Ramos . photos: irarquitectos (unless stated FG+SG)

The brief for the Ílhavo Cultural Centre requested the redesign of the public space in the town centre, inluding a new underground parking lot and a multifunctional facility with an auditorium, exhibition hall, technical offices and comercial spaces. All this had to work with the existing urban features. The Municipality of Ílhavo promoted the Competition ("Concurso de Ideias") from which the recently finished Centre evolved.

NL Architects

Schoolcampus . Knokke-Heist

NL Architects

The city of Knokke-Heis is planning a new school building; a wonderful site near the center and at the same time flanking farmland is available.

Li . Baumgartner

Tulane University's Architects' Week 2011

source: Jazzy Li . design team: Tulane School of Architecture 3rd year led by Yueqi ‘Jazzy’ Li and Eric Baumgartner

Pedro Puertas

centro ciudadano Alhendín . Granada

origen: gracias a Pedro Puertas . fotos: Cecilio Puertas

Granada es una ciudad acrópolis.

Isidoro Valcárcel Medina

Conversaciones telefónicas 1973

origen: cuboart


The Global Financial Centre on the Bund . Shanghai

source: OMA

Shanghai is a fragmented collage of different scales and styles. The identity of the city lies in the diversity of traditional, colonial, communist, and "post-modern" architecture united only through the city’s history. The Global Financial Centre on the Bund – yet another mixed-use project among all these opposing elements – has the natural task of addressing and emphasizing all the contradicting qualities of Shanghai without compromising their benefits.

DARCO Magazine

Barozzi Veiga Monograph

source: DARCO Magazine . full preview

WE architecture

Falkonergården Highschool . FrederiksbeRG

source: WE architecture


David Chipperfield talks about the Turner Contemporary

source: BBC . more: guardian

Tammo Prinz

Tammo Prinz . K1 Temporary Kunsthalle . Berlin

source: courtesy of Tammo Prinz

Berlin hat sich in der Vergangenheit zu einem, der weltweit wichtigsten


Asier Mendizábal . Gure Artea XX

origen: artium

Neutelings Riedijk Architecten

MAS | Museum Aan de Stroom . Antwerpen

more: Fundación Mies . Neutelings Riedijk Architecten . baunetz.de . photo: Sarah Blee


Arquitectura Zamorana del s. XXI

origen: coal

Carlos Casanueva

Vivienda . Pinar de Castellanos

más: Duccio Malagamba