Headquarters Sedorama AG . Schönbühl

em2n . photos: © Roger Frei . + baunetz

In erecting its Swiss headquarters directly on the A1 Sedorama dares to step onto the big stage.

The architecture by EM2N incorporates the values of the Sedorama Company: customer orientation and perfection. The building positions itself at an exciting interface between the poles of a utilitarian, functional architecture and its role as headquarters and eye-catcher. Slightly concave on both long sides the building turns to the passing traffic while also creating an arrivals area on the side facing the car park. Inside visitors are surprised by a stepped cascade extending the full height of the building. A stairs leads them to the piano nobile. From there they reach the exhibition via a sequence of internal terraces connected by staircases. All the surfaces are left in their original state or painted white. This powerful, neutral background forms the stage for the exciting presentation of the products.

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