masj [arts municipal museum] . Alcázar de San Juan
PKMN [pac-man]
La ampliación y reforma del Museo Municipal de Alcázar de San Juan se construye en torno a tres principios fundamentales: la gestión ecológica de los recursos públicos, la polivalencia y flexibilidad de los espacios expositivos y la continuidad activa de la identidad a través de la memoria del lugar.

Alcázar de San Juan Municipal Museum Enlargement is developped through three basic principles: ecological management of public resources, versatility and changeability of exhibition halls and active continuation of local identity through its memory.
The proposal for the extension of the City Museum deals with
3 concepts:
1.Ecological management of thepublic resources: specially pertinent nowadays, coming out CTE, to emphasize in the construction that lasts, or the one that it allows to save in resources - energy-manteinance.
2.A museum for the 21st century: versatile, polyvalent, adaptable ... because tomorrow it can shelter new collections and / or uses.
3. Memory and identity:
The street like social space and place of meeting [porch]
Dialog between the vernacular thing and contemporary [front]
Alcázar de San Juan City Council re -renovation
November 2008 / October 2011 [In Progress]
Alcázar de San Juan[Spain]
Competition: 1ºPrize
Client: Alcázar de San Juan City Council
Budget: 1950000€
Area: 1350m2 + 700m2 renovation
PKMN [pac-man]
La ampliación y reforma del Museo Municipal de Alcázar de San Juan se construye en torno a tres principios fundamentales: la gestión ecológica de los recursos públicos, la polivalencia y flexibilidad de los espacios expositivos y la continuidad activa de la identidad a través de la memoria del lugar.

Alcázar de San Juan Municipal Museum Enlargement is developped through three basic principles: ecological management of public resources, versatility and changeability of exhibition halls and active continuation of local identity through its memory.
The proposal for the extension of the City Museum deals with
3 concepts:
1.Ecological management of thepublic resources: specially pertinent nowadays, coming out CTE, to emphasize in the construction that lasts, or the one that it allows to save in resources - energy-manteinance.
2.A museum for the 21st century: versatile, polyvalent, adaptable ... because tomorrow it can shelter new collections and / or uses.
3. Memory and identity:
The street like social space and place of meeting [porch]
Dialog between the vernacular thing and contemporary [front]
Alcázar de San Juan City Council re -renovation
November 2008 / October 2011 [In Progress]
Alcázar de San Juan[Spain]
Competition: 1ºPrize
Client: Alcázar de San Juan City Council
Budget: 1950000€
Area: 1350m2 + 700m2 renovation
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