Natalia Sherchenkova

CARamba! Centre . Los Angeles

AA . Diploma 2 . teachers: Didier Faustino, Kostas Grigoriadis

In a city like LA you are nothing without a car. But can you use it fully? CARamba is more than a Disney Land of a 21st century - it’s a place for reviving the last century’s excitement and reliving the hopes of the Autopia. It’s the architecture of the flow, an alternative interior space for cars and a condensed reflection of Los Angeles in a 100m by 100m urban block.

Caramba! theme park accommodates typologies with a ‘drive in’ prefix - places for Drivers: drive-in cinemas, drive-in cafes and even churches - where you can witness a very surreal procedure where priest on a stage is addressing a field full of Hondas and Ford Focuses - speaking straight to their carbon fibre and aluminum souls.
CARamba! theme park also includes spaces for the needs of the car itself - car washes, repairing facilities and pertol stations.
Drive-ins never stand by the road silently. Instead, they are enthusiastic to capture speeding motorists’ attention by the striking signs with powerful visual designs - new spacial relationship emerged as well as new means and logic of design. Signs, Advertising, lights - all this used to the full extend in Caramba! theme park.
But what makes CARamba! a theme park is the connection to a myriad of extreme car experience images produced by Hollywood and carved in every driver’s mind. Car chases, races, explosions - all these situations, that we saw so many times on the screen but would never dare to try in real life. And you want to do it in your own car : accelerate to the limit, roll over, jump, race, eat, play - everything. CARamba Drive-through theme park gives you the opportunity to experience your own car in a completely different, fresh and exciting way!

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