Lee . Kim . Kim

house of fairy tales . odense

Kyubom Lee . Jungseop Kim . Taeyeon Kim . house of fairy tales

Starting point of the plan starts from the physical place, Lotze's Garden, so as to express fairytale world of Andersen more dramatically.
In here, garden is small artificial equipment including human's longing for the nature and can be interpreted as a space which is our mental comfort in actual world. This plan intended to the door to fairytale world (innocence of childhood) of Andersen by focusing on the concept of the garden.

Through the world of innocence of childhood, the garden was set by physical place for the world of innocence of childhood as if he can reflect himself in actu­alities for a while. In the plan, simple geographical operation was tried under the premise that surrounding environment can be experienced by various senses in undulating topography rather than flat topography. New plan organized Lotze's Garden in the land more three-dimensional topography, so more various world of Andersen's fairytale is expressed and furthermore, it was experienced by people and transferred to them from various angles.

Program can be greatly divided into two parts; Andersen Fairytales House exist­ing exhibition of the Hans Christian Andersen Museum was reorganized with Fairytales Promenade (design name)(library, gallery, other amusement facilities) on the ground and Fairytales world existing contents of the Tinderbox Cultural Centre was reorganized under the ground. Particularly, for the exhibition form of existing Hans Christian Andersen Museum, spaces of people's daily life (like li­brary, gallery, other amusement facilities) along the Fairytales Promenade on the ground are experienced and exhibitions by sections such as the Age, the Life, the Man, the Art, the Work can be watched in Andersen Fairytales House. In addition, visitors who watch Andersen's life, works, etc. in Fairytales Promenade can experience imaginary world of fairytale directly by moving Fairytales world under the ground through the fairytales Promenade.

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